Tagny Duff is an interdisciplinary media artist, scholar and educator working across media art and microbiology with a particular interest in microbial interaction and scientific practices from a cultural point of view. Duff has exhibited biological art works nationally and internationally in venues such the Science Gallery in Ireland (2011) and Espace Multimédia Gantner, France (2015). She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on the overlap between art and science methodologies and approaches including the recent publication “Mangling Methods Across Performance Research, Biological Arts and Life Sciences” published by Media-N Journal of the New Media Caucus. She is the recipient of numerous prizes and grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC). Duff is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University and is the director/founder of Fluxmedia, a network for artists, scientists, and humanities researchers to engage in collaboration across art and the life sciences She is also founder of the Speculative Life Lab housed in the Milieux institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia. Duff lives and works in Montreal, Québec.
Tagny Duff Workshop from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.

Zbigniew Oksiuta is an architect and artist experimenting with the possibility of designing biological spatial structures. His work brings together architecture, art, biology, physics, and space sciences in the investigation of potential new habitats. Oksiuta concentrates on the physical and chemical parameters of architectures, putting aside historical, social, urbanistic and aesthetic factors. His projects such as “Spatium Gelatum” and “Breading Space” and “Space Garden” examine new soft technologies and biological materials which enable the development of new kind of living habitat in the biosphere and in space. His work has been shown at venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennial, ArchiLab Orleans, Ars Electronica Linz, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, and the Center for Contemporary Art Warsaw. He is a lecturer at the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy/NY.
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Zbigniew Oksiuta Workshop from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.
Audiovisual Naturalist and Ant Lover

Kuai Shen is an audiovisual naturalist and ant lover. His artistic research on ant stridulations was published by the University of Colorado in the book “Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts”, in the Leonardo MIT Journal for the Siggraph, as well as in the Acoustic Space Journal for the 5th Renew Media Art Histories conference. He has been selected among the best contemporary artists in the recent book of William Myers entitled, “Bio Art: Altered Realities”, published by Thames & Hudson London in 2015.
His audiovisual installations reflect on the remediation between ants and humans as a metaphor for a non-human ecology whose future lies in the mutualism between artefacts and organisms. His current research focuses on ant mimicry in the post-biologic technology of humans based on emergence, resiliency and imitation-contagion phenomena. In 2013 he was awarded the Edith-Russ-Haus Medienkunstpreis and also received an honorary mention in hybrid art from the Prix Ars Electronica for “0h!m1gas”. In 2014 he was honored with the Cynetart Förderpreis der Sächsischen Kunstministerin for his transdisciplinary installation about ant mimicry and video games entitled, “Playing with ants & other insects”.
More about Kuai Shen
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Amelia Gardner
Kuai Shen- Myrmecophilia- ant mimicry as a post-biological model for resilient technology from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.
Kuai Shen Bridge Workshop from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.

HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko) is an artist duo based in Paris. Their work reflects on the energy needs of contemporary life, visualizing social, industrial and ecological paradoxes through installations and performances of technological landscapes. The repertoire of HeHe includes worst case technological accidents, exposing the hidden dimensions and implications of ecological threats. The actors of HeHe’s performance installations are the machines themselves: oil rigs, nuclear power plants, incinerators, cars, cranes, trains, and the electric devices of mass consumption. Installed in real world environments or eerie staged settings, technology is staged, placed in apocalyptic chromatic landscapes and dressed in an unnatural green afterglow.
More about HeHe
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Helen Evans Lecture from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.
Helen Evans Cloud Making Workshop from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.

Sissel Tolaas has concentrated on the language and communication of smell, focusing particularly on the concept of capturing the essence of a person or a place. With an academic background in mathematics, chemistry, linguistics and arts, she has been working, researching and experimenting with the topic of smell within different scientific fields, art and design since 1990. Tolaas established the SMELL RE_searchLab Berlin, on smell, communication and language in Berlin in January 2004, supported by IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.) Her research has been awarded through numerous national and international scholarships, honors and prizes.
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Sissel Tolaas Bridge Workshop from Electronic Art and Intermedia on Vimeo.
Marion Laval-Jeantet & Benoît Mangin

The French duo Art Orienté objet (Marion Laval-Jeantet & Benoît Mangin) has been creating works concerned with the environment, trans-species relationships and the questioning of scientific methods and tools since 1991. Their work takes on various aesthetic forms (installations, objects, videos, and/or photographs) They are fascinated by the sciences of life in general and, of behavior in particular, from ethology to transcultural psychiatry. During the last 20 years, they have produced poetic and disturbing art resulting from their own bodily experiments that reveal our behavior in the face of existence of other living beings and the environment. Their work takes on various aesthetic forms, from self-experimentation to installations, objects, videos, and photographs.
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Dmitry Gelfand (b.1974, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Evelina Domnitch (b. 1972, Minsk, Belarus) create sensory immersion environments that merge physics, chemistry and computer science with uncanny philosophical practices. Current findings, particularly regarding wave phenomena, are employed by the artists to investigate questions of perception and perpetuity. Such investigations are salient because the scientific picture of the world, which serves as the basis for contemporary thought, still cannot encompass the unrecordable workings of consciousness.
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Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen’s work is occupied with broad meanings of material and production. They work with objects, installation, film and photography to explore manufacturing processes as cultural, ethical and political practices. Experimenting with the use of design as a medium, they construct objects and systems that question the context in which they operate. They live and work in London.
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Stelarc is a performance artist who has visually probed and acoustically amplified his body. He has made three films of the inside of his body. Between 1976-1988 he completed 26 body suspension performances with hooks into the skin. He has used medical instruments, prosthetics, robotics, Virtual Reality systems, the Internet and biotechnology to engineer intimate and involuntary interfaces with the body. He explores Alternate Anatomical Architectures with augmented and extended body constructs.
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